Sunday, February 21, 2016

Download Beginning Microsoft Visual of C#

Book's Detail :

Authors : Christian Nagel, Eric White, Jacob Hammer Pedersen, Jon D. Reid, Karli Watson, Morgan Skinner
Language : English
Year         : 2008
Edition     : unknown
Pages        : 1344
File           : PDF
Size          :  17.60 MB
Category  : C#

PDF Download

This book will be interested in by who learning C# and .NET framework. The programmers have to improve their knowledge usually, many books they learn and practice more often. This book is a good one for programmers and especially the beginner level. You can start with absolute programming basics and them move into Web and Windows programming, data access and more advanced techologies such as grappics programming with GDI+ and basics network.

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 is the best book for learning C# with many examples, practice exercises and concepts. From yourself you can learn from the book with clear explanation and easily understand.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform pdf download

Book's Detail :

Author :       Stephen R. G. Fraser
Language :   English
Year :           2011
Pages :          964
File :             PDF
Size :            23.05 MB
Category :     C & C++

Download PDF

Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform is a good book for programmer to update their programming knowledge in C & C++ with explanation how to write .NET 2.0 applications and services. This book has released in 2011 and became very useful for programming learners and programmer. This book is based on its highly successful predecessor, and bridges the gap between classic C++ and C++/CLI. Furthermore, this edition is based on the newest version of Visual Studio .NET (2005) and .NET 2.0. All topic areas include specific code examples. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in developing .NET applications and services for both the Windows desktop and the Web.

Related Book (Click on the Book's cover to download) :


Monday, February 15, 2016

Android Programming Tutorials Download 3rd Edition PDF

Book's Detail :

Author :         Mark L. Murphy
Edition :         Third
Language :     English
Year :             2010
Pages :          434
File :             PDF
Size :             23.41 MB
Category :     Android

This edition of Android Programming Tutorials will show you many things you can do with android operating system, with series of 40 exercises. The exercises will improve you abilities in android. This third edition is a very new book  which published in 2010. The author tried to explain the android programming tutorials and show the methods to learners and also the teacher. In these exercises are full of answer keys to help you when you get stuck.

Related books (Click on the book cover to download) :


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Pro PHP and jQuery, Second edition

Book's Detail

Author :     Jason Lengstorf, Keith Wald
Year :        2016
Edition :    Second
Language: English
Pages :      370
File :          PDF
Size :         8.59
Category : PHP


Pro PHP and jQuery this second edition has updated for 7 version of PHP and the latest version of jQuery. This book is a very new PHP programming book, it just published in this early 2016. With this PHP 7 you will learn more about PHP programming and also the APIs and jQuery framework. Get more techinques from the book and improve you abilities in PHP programming.

Related Books (Click on the book's cover to download) :


Friday, February 12, 2016

Pro Java Programming 2nd edition

Book's Detail :

Author :         Terrill Brett Spell
Edition :         Second
Year :             2010
Language :     English
Pages :           703
File :               PDF
Size :              4.58 MB
Category :      Java

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This book has recently published in 2010 for this second edition. The author Terrill Brett Spell, he is a java programmer, developer and also an architect. This book use to develop java pro magazine and former columnist on design patterns of the web sites. The Pro Java Programming this second edition is a very useful for web design and web developer.

Related Book (Click on the book's cover to download) :


Thursday, February 11, 2016

HTML5 For Dummies Quick Reference

Book's Detail :

Author :         Andy Harris
Year  :           2011
Language :    English
Pages :           432
File :              PDF
Size :             2.40 MB
Category :     HTML, HTML5 & CSS


HTML5 For Dummies Quick Reference has written by Andy Harris and published in 2011 to complete the programming learners' need in using this language to create Web pages and to develop the web pages. This book also focus on media, geolocation, database and mobile capabilities, and is now able to script APIs and others web development.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beginning Python : From Novice to Professional 2nd edition

Book's Detail :

Author :           Magnus Lie Hetland
Edition :          Second
Year :              2002
Pages :             667
Language :      English
File :                PDF
Size :               4 MB
Category :       Python

This book has written by Mangnus Lie Hetland, who is an associate professor of algorithms at the Norwegian University of Science and Technolgy. This author is a Python fan and became an an active member of the Python community for many years. He became popular with his tutorials "Instant Hacking" and " Instant Python".
This book "Beginning Python : From Novice to Professional 2nd edition" has published in 2002 and became popular as well.

Related Book ( Click on the book Cover to download ) :


C++ Programming : From Problem analysis to Program Design, 6th edition

Book's Detail :

Category :          C & C++
Author :             D. S. Malik
Year :                 2012
Language :         English
Pages :                1440
File :                   PDF
Size :                   5.78 MB


This book has up-to-date to 6th edition by D. S. Malik in early year 2012. C++ Programming : From Problem analysis to Program Design explain the C++ program language course to the students to be full understanding and can solve the problems by understanding the examples and the concepts. Also explain how to work through a problem.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Make an E-commerce Site in Weekend : Using PHP

Using PHP is very good for web developer, Learning e-commerce site by using with installing a server using WAMP, in your product database MySQL is good. To create the product database and tables and write the PHP requirement script for accessing and insert the data into the database. This book has explained how to create shopping carts for your customers and setting up secure the payment and processing with any options.

For beginner andn't have much programming experience, this book is a very good book for you, you can build a responsive with powerful and fully featured e-commerce site very quick by using Make an E-commerce Site in Weekend : Using PHP.
In this book you will study about creating e-commerce using PHP, creating edit and update product database using MySQL, manage visitors, Receiving the money through different payment modes.

 Downlaod PDF

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 JavaScript Object Programming